HackerNoon has very useful and fun content available for the reading, listening, and viewing pleasure of our visitors.
Maybe you’ve personally read some of it or maybe you’ve personally written some.
Regardless of the situation, HackerNoon is launching a series of Thank You contests for all of our visitors and members.
To give back to our amazing community, we would like to give our writers, readers, and visitors a chance to win some free HackerNoon gear via our Digg Community Contest.
What is the Digg Community Contest?
Long story short, we partnered with Digg in order to help distribute the best stories produced by our contributors.
We manage our own HackerNoon space and the Blockchain space on Digg.
Every week, we post some of our best stories on these spaces, sending thousands of readers to HackerNoon.
Now we want you to get in on the fun and win some HackerNoon swag in the process.
To enter the contest, please follow these 4 simple steps:
1. Select your favourite two stories published on HackerNoon. They
could be ones you’ve personally written, or ones you are simply fond of, or have just recently read and thought, “damn, that’s lit.” Once you've found your favorites, post them in our Digg spaces.
could be ones you’ve personally written, or ones you are simply fond of, or have just recently read and thought, “damn, that’s lit.” Once you've found your favorites, post them in our Digg spaces.
2. If you've never used Digg before, review the following link and read both 'Section A' and 'Section B.' Though we recommend reviewing the instructions either way.
3. Pay close attention to the topics of the stories you chose, do they have anything to do with blockchain? If so, post them on the Blockchain space. For all other content, please post in the HackerNoon space.
Please submit the stories according to the instructions in the link in point number 2.
Please submit the stories according to the instructions in the link in point number 2.
You must submit at least 2 stories.
Please scroll through the published content already available in the communities.
Submitting content that has already been published in either community will leave you less likely to win free stuff.
Please scroll through the published content already available in the communities.
Submitting content that has already been published in either community will leave you less likely to win free stuff.
4. Leave at least 2 comments on either the stories you submitted or any other story in either community.

That's it!
After the above steps are completed, you'll have officially entered the contest and will be entered into a draw to win 1 of 5 free HackerNoon T-Shirts we'll be giving away. But that's not all!
Everyone who enters the contest will also get:
- Instant access to our Digg communities, where you can post your content anytime, even after the contest ends.
- An exclusive invitation to our Slogging beta community, where you can be one of the first to try our new Slack app that turns slack conversations into blog posts.
- The chance to appear on The HackerNoon Podcast, depending on the topics of the stories you choose and the upcoming podcast schedule.
Contest Deadline
In order to increase your chances of winning please follow the
above instructions very carefully.
We will be contacting you on the email you use to create your Digg account, so make sure you check your messages periodically.
Everyone can participate.
above instructions very carefully.
We will be contacting you on the email you use to create your Digg account, so make sure you check your messages periodically.
Everyone can participate.